Arizona Department of Water Resources
"Protecting and enhancing Arizona's water supplies for current and future generations."

Submit a Complaint
STEP 1 - Public Disclosure and Submittal Information
A.R.S. § 41-1010 states that, “Notwithstanding any other law, a person shall disclose the person's name during the course of reporting an alleged violation of law or rule. During the course of an investigation or enforcement action, the name of the complainant shall be a public record unless the affected agency determines that the release of the complainant's name may result in substantial harm to any person or to the public health or safety.”
Are you requesting confidentiality pursuant to A.R.S. § 41-1010?
*ADWR is unable to accept and investigate anonymous complaints.
If yes, an explanation is required. (1000 characters maximum)  
Comment Length 0 (limit 1000)
Arizona Department of Water Resources
1110 W. Washington St. Suite 310
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
Phone: 602.771.8500 | Fax: 602.771.8678
Copyright 2024