Arizona Department of Water Resources
"Protecting and enhancing Arizona's water supplies for current and future generations."
AMA Demand Supply Business Terms
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Data from: 9/12/2024

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 Annual Report YearCalendar year during which annual water use was reported.S
 Surface waterA water type, Surface water is the waters of all sources, flowing in streams, canyons, ravines or other natural channels, or in definite underground channels, whether perennial or intermittent, floodwater, wastewater or surplus water, and of lakes, ponds and springs on the surface. For Adjudications it encompasses water obtained from springs and surface flow.S
 SupplyThe sources of water available for use by a certain sector. Also referred to as "type". Sources include groundwater, CAP, surface water, reclaimed, recovered water of various types, etc.S
 MunicipalMunicipal water use includes water delivered for non-irrigation uses by a city, town, private water company or irrigation district. Municipal demand is composed of the Large Provider, Small Provider, Institutional Provider, and Domestic Exempt subsectors. The demand of Individual Users, such as turf-related facilities, is also included in the Municipal demand since municipal providers often serve them. S
 AgriculturalAgricultural demand is composed of the use of water by IGFRs for agricultural uses not on Indian reservations, and its associated lost and unaccounted for water. Agricultural use is the application of water to two or more acres of land to produce plants or parts of plants for sale or human consumption, or for use as feed for livestock, range livestock or poultry.S
 IndianIndian Demand is composed of Municipal, Agricultural and Industrial Demand on Indian reservations.S
 IndustrialIndustrial use is a non-irrigation use of water, not supplied by a city, town, or private water company, including animal industry use and expanded animal industry use. In general, Industrial users withdraw water from their own wells that are associated with Type 1 and Type 2 rights, GIUs or other withdrawal permits.S
 Direct Use EffluentA water type, effluent is water that has been collected in a sanitary sewer for subsequent treatment in a facility that is regulated as a sewage system, disposal plant or wastewater treatment facility. Such water remains effluent until it acquires the characteristics of groundwater or surface water.S
 ExcessGroundwater use in excess of the allowable amount per AWS rules. Should be offset by GRD replenishment. In recharge section of data. S
 GroundwaterA water type, groundwater is water from below the earth's surface. For Adjudications it encompasses all water obtained from pumping wells or from free-flowing artesian wellsS
 StateOfficial state abbreviation using two capitol letters, examples: "AZ", "CA".S
 Groundwater Allowance PumpingThe amount of groundwater pumped in a given year by a municipal water provider with a DAWS which does not need to be replenished. Groundwater allowance pumping for any given year = total water withdrawn - long term storage credits recovered - annual recovery - poor quality exemption water withdrawn - drought exemption - GRD replenishedS
 Groundwater Savings Facility Central Arizona ProjA water type, GSF (CAP) is water used in-lieu of groundwater pumped or delivered at a Groundwater Savings Facility (GSF). The entities that provide the alternative supplies to the GSF are permitted to pump an equivalent volume of water at some time in the future, via a recovery well permit. S
 Groundwater Savings Facility EffluentA water type, GSF (Effluent) is water used in-lieu of groundwater pumped or delivered at a Groundwater Savings Facility (GSF). The entities that provide the alternative supplies to the GSF are permitted to pump an equivalent volume of water at some time in the future, via a recovery well permit. S
 OtherA water type, Other water is any water that does not meet the previously defined sources. An examples of other water is tailwater.S
 Poor Quality GWA water type, Poor quality groundwater is water withdrawn pursuant to a poor quality groundwater withdrawal permit. Poor quality groundwater withdrawal permits are issued to non-irrigation users to withdraw poor quality groundwater if the groundwater withdrawn, because of its quality, has no other beneficial use at the present time.S
 Recovered Central Arizona ProjectA water type, Recovered CAP is water originally distributed via the CAP canal, then stored in either an USF or a GSF, then recovered under the authority of a recovery well permit. When recovered, this water legally counts as CAP water.S
 Recovered EffluentA water type, recovered reclaimed water is water that was stored in either an USF or a GSF, and then recovered under the authority of a recovery well permit. When recovered, this water legally counts as reclaimed water. S
 Recovered Surface WaterA water type, Recovered surface water is water that was stored in either an USF or a GSF, and then recovered under the authority of a recovery well permit pursuant to state statute. When recovered, this water legally counts as surface water.S
 Remediation waterA water type, remediation water is remediated groundwater withdrawn pursuant to A.A.C. R12-15-729. It does not count as groundwater for AWS and does not have to be replenished.S
 SpillA water type, Spillwater is a category of surface water that has a unique legal characteristic. It is surface water that is released by the storing entity from storage, diversion, or distribution facilities for beneficial use to avoid spillingS
 Water withdrawn from wells"Water withdrawn from wells" as a water type refers to water pumped from wells in the Santa Cruz Active Management Area.S
 Weighted Exchange EffluentAn accounting mechanism for effluent water exchanged pursuant to an exchange agreement. The water retains it's water type as effluent pursuant to the "Giver Rule" as described in A.R.S 45-1003(A), but the amount accounted for is weighted based on the percentage of effluent given in regard to the total water given & how much water was received in return. S
 Large Provider Residential DeliveriesA non-irrigation use of water, delivered by a large municipal provider, related to the activities of a single family or multifamily housing unit or units, including exterior water use. S
 Large Provider Non Residential DeliveriesWater supplied by a large municipal provider for a non-irrigation use other than a residential use.S
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Arizona Department of Water Resources
1110 W. Washington St. Suite 310
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
Phone: 602.771.8500 | Fax: 602.771.8678
Copyright 2024